Master Godfrey von Rheinfels
Godfrey von Rheinfels is my SCA Persona. In the SCA people take a name of someone who might have lived in the past. In some cases, this becomes like role playing and the person tries to act as if they are that person. In other cases, like my own, that persona is just a basis for research of history and something that gives a focus to what you want to learn about. Most people in the SCA are somewhere in between full on LARP and their own modern selves in historical clothes. I still think the SCA courtesies that we practice are important and I address other members by their forms of address (m'Lord, m'Lady, your Lordship, your excellency, your grace, your majesty). But for the most part that is as far as my roleplaying goes.
I find it to be more interesting to learn about history when I relate it to my persona. Godfrey "was" a noble who lived in or near the Rheinfels castle near St. Goar, 600 years ago. This was very near the Duchy of Burgundy, and the borders France and Germany. I try to wear clothes that would be worn by someone of a noble's station in the late 14th, early 15th century. Its more interesting to me to study clothing of that time to see if it something I wouldn't mind wearing at an SCA event than studying the history of fashion with no real skin in the game.
I recently became a member of the Order of the Pelican, an order that I would not have expected to ever to have when I joined the SCA back in 1988. Back then, I did a lot more fighting than I do now although I still try to get out when my schedule and health coordinate themselves. Healing from the occasional bruise takes a lot longer now than it seemed to when I was in my 20's.
Currently in the SCA, I am the Kingdom of Atenveldt's Web Minister. I firmly believe that the Internet has a strong and generally good presence in the SCA and I hope to help out with my professional knowledge in this area.