A Custom Ellipsis Plug-in for JQuery

I had a requirement to be able to show a long description for an item in a limited space.  The descriptions were coming from a 3rd party database and could be of any length.  The design called for the description area being two lines tall.  There is a CSS attribute called text-overflow: ellipsis.  It had several problems, however.  First of all it only worked on a single line basis. Mostly it had the big issue of not working at all in Firefox as it was a non-standard CSS call.

I found a jquery plugin to duplicate the functionality of the CSS call but like the CSS call it only worked on a single line.  My design spec also called for a More/Less link to be affixed to the block of text to expand it/ contract it.  The More/Less also had to support different cultures.

//ellipsis plugin http://devongovett.wordpress.com/2009/04/06/text-overflow-ellipsis-for-firefox-via-jquery/ + comments + custom mods
(function($) {
    $.fn.ellipsis = function(lines, enableUpdating, moreText, lessText) {
        return $(this).each(function() {
            var el = $(this);
            var resetDescription = function(height, originalText) {
            el.animate({ "height": height }, "normal", null, function() {
                el.ellipsis(true, true, moreText, lessText);

            if (el.css("overflow") == "hidden") {
                var originalText = el.html();
                var availWidth = el.width();
                var availHeight = el.height();
                var MoreLessTag;
                if (moreText) {
                    enableUpdating = true;
                    MoreLessTag = " <a class='MoreLessTag' href='#' >" + moreText + "</a>";
                else MoreLessTag = "";
                var t = $(this.cloneNode(true))
                        'position': 'absolute',
                        'overflow': 'visible',
                        'max-width': 'none',
                        'max-height': 'none'
                if (lines) t.css("height", "auto").width(availWidth);
                else t.css("width", "auto");
                t.append(" <a class='MoreLessTag' href='#' >" + lessText + "</a>");
                var fullHeight = t.height();
                var avail = (lines) ? availHeight : availWidth;
                var test = (lines) ? t.height() : t.width();
                var foundMin = false, foundMax = false;
                if (test > avail) {
                    //Binary search style trimming of the temp element to find its optimal size
                    var min = 0;
                    var max = originalText.length;
                    while (min <= max) {
                        var trimLocation = (min + max) / 2;
                        var text = originalText.substr(0, trimLocation);
                        t.html(text + "&hellip;" + MoreLessTag);
                        test = (lines) ? t.height() : t.width();
                        if (test > avail) {
                            if (foundMax)
                                foundMin = true;
                            max = trimLocation - 1;
                            if (min > max) {
                                //If we would be ending decrement the min and regenerate the text so we don't end with a
                                //slightly larger text than there is space for
                                trimLocation = (max + max - 2) / 2;
                                text = originalText.substr(0, trimLocation);
                                t.html(text + "&hellip;" + MoreLessTag);
                        else if (test < avail) {
                            min = trimLocation + 1;
                        else {
                            if (foundMin && foundMax && ((max - min) / max < .2))
                            foundMax = true;
                            min = trimLocation + 1;
                if (moreText) {
                    jQuery(".MoreLessTag", this).click(function(event) {
                        el.animate({ "height": fullHeight }, "normal", null, function() {
                        el.append(" <a class='MoreLessTag' href='#' >" + lessText + "</a>");
                        jQuery(".MoreLessTag", el).click(function(event) {
                            resetDescription(availHeight, originalText);
                else {
                    var replaceTags = new RegExp(/<\/?[^>]+>/gi);
                    el.attr("alt", originalText.replace(replaceTags, ''));
                    el.attr("title", originalText.replace(replaceTags, ''));
                if (enableUpdating == true) {
                    var oldW = el.width();
                    var oldH = el.height();
                    el.one("resize", function() {
                        if (el.width() != oldW || (lines && el.height != oldH)) {
                            el.ellipsis(lines, enableUpdating, moreText, lessText);

The following features are added from the original:

  • More/Less link with expansion
  • multiple lines
  • title and alt text if no more/less text is provided

This hasn't been tested extensively under different conditions.

Things I would do if I had an infinite amount of time:

  • More Testing
  • Ability to override the More/Less text click event

Enjoy – I hope someone finds this useful.  This was my first foray into doing a jQuery plugin.  Even though a good chunk of the code was copied, I still learned quite a bit.